The Resistant Activist When we were children, our mother taught us compassion, showed us how to reach out to those in need (it might have been free day care, staying at our house, or giving of any surplus we had of food). As an adult, when I taught CCD, in a rural community outside Albany, I talked to my students about Lent. The lesson I gave was to be reminded of the children who lived in Albany who had much less than them, and what did it mean to sacrifice. The children were asked to give up something that they possessed, and we would give these items to children in Albany. They were to be guided by their parents. (Did not want them giving away something that maybe their parents would not approve.) Every child had a reason for what they contributed: a favorite piece of clothing, money earned from chores, a favorite toy. We then made arrangements to actually visit a south-end neighborhood ministry in Albany (1970’s). The parents and ...