How Am I Called to “Seek Out Those In The Back Of The Line”?


     How am I called to “seek out those in the back of the line”?

     My Christian upbringing has led me to make many choices in my life, including finding ways to serve in my community and beyond.  I have served in many of the usual ways and some not so usual ways. It is not necessary to list them today, that is another story.  During this Lenten season, I continue to find ways to serve those less fortunate than myself, those of less privilege than me; but this year I have also chosen to reflect on my grief. Perhaps grieving can be another way to serve others?

     As I have reflected on how I experience grief, I have recognized I have experienced grief through loss, especially loss of loved ones. However, I have also discovered my greatest grief - my awareness of the suffering of the world caused by social injustice.  This injustice comes in many forms from discrepancy of the rich and the poor, racism, religious persecution, domestic violence, corporate power and fraud, abuse of the earth, disinformation distributed by various forms of media, taking away voting rights, the list goes on...

     I have pushed away my grief related to social injustice and tried to make a difference in the world.  Can I help the last become first?  I will continue to try to make a difference, but I also need to embrace my grief.  How sad and disappointed I feel in not being able to make a bigger difference in my lifetime. What does this mean for me? I do not know.  Will it break my heart? I think it has broken my heart for most of my life, and it may break my heart even more.  Will I lose hope? Perhaps...but I am trusting in my Christian faith, and my spiritual knowing of the literal and invisible connection with all life, to pull me through. Our feelings of separateness and division have led to our deepest suffering and grief, and collectively contributes to social injustice; so, I believe our ability to embrace our grief, individually and collectively can help return us to love and help us live as Jesus showed us the way. 

     Will you join me on this journey?


Luanne D.


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