In response to “May Justice Take Root” (Monday, February 22, 2021 ISN post)

“Change our hearts this time, your word says it can be.

Change our minds this time, your life could make us free.”


The hymn “Change Our Hearts” has always been one of my favorites.  For me, it reflects the theme of Christians working diligently toward a just and equitable society. 

Today’s reflection asks, how can we better stand with those different from ourselves, especially those who suffer injustice? (Duffner p.4) 

 If we are truly committed to our faith and the command to love our neighbor, how must we change to live the words of Jesus?

 Beginning this journey is never easy, but what better time to reflect on the racial injustice in our own Syracuse community and take our first small steps to address it.  Perhaps we can begin by educating ourselves, by reading about events in our history, by examining a true story related to racial injustice, by reading a piece of fiction or watching a movie which explores the theme of racial injustice.  The list below offers a few ideas to begin the Lenten Journey Toward Freedom and Equity.

Sandy B.

Bryan Stevenson, “We Need To Talk About An Injustice”  Ted Talk (

Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson  (Original version and/or version Adapted for Young Adults)  Also a movie

All American Boys, by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely (Young adult--family read)

The Beatitudes:  From Slavery to Civil Rights, by Carole Weatherford, illustrated by Tim Ludwig 


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