During Lent, in these turbulent times, how can we persevere in our work for justice with a steadfast spirit, rooted in love?”

In his recent encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti Pope Francis reminds us: “Our call to love [is] one that transcends all prejudices, all historical and cultural barriers, all petty interests.” (83). 

During Lent members of the Social Action Ministry will be leading St. Augustine’s parish in reflection that will enable us to seek to answer this question, renewing each day throughout Lent our commitment to care for all of our fellow human beings. 

We will be doing this by using the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s Lenten program called:  Steadfast, A Call to Love.  To join in these reflections, sign up to receive an email every day in your mailbox at:  https://ignatiansolidarity.net/steadfast-lent-2021/ Enter your name and email address.  In addition to receiving a daily email from the Ignatian Solidarity Network, there will be reflections by parishioners related to the content from the Ignatian Solidarity Network posted at  https://adultlent.blogspot.com.  It will also be available through the St. Augustine’s website under Adult Faith Formation. The website blog will also include links, additional articles, book suggestions and videos that will take you deeper into the subject.  

For more information contact the parish office: email@staugustinesparish.org or 315-638-0585.


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